Products meeting the search criteria
4004 - Thy word is a lamp unto my feet Psalm 119:105
4004 - Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path Psalm 119:105, scripture..
4006 - Seek ye first the Kingdom Matthew 6:33
4006 - Seek ye first the Kingdom Matthew 6:33 Handmade in La Porte, TX. Measures 4 1/2 inches ..
4009 - For the joy of the Lord is my strength Nehemiah 8:10
4009 - For the joy of the Lord is my strength Nehemiah 8:10. Handmade in La Porte, TX.&n..
4011- As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord Joshua 24:15
4011- As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord Joshua 24:15 Handmade in La Porte, TX.&nb..
4005 - For nothing is impossible with God Luke 1:37
4005 - For nothing is impossible with God, Luke 1:37. Handmade in La Porte, TX. Measures..
4013 - Life is Fragile...Handle with Prayer
4013 - Life is Fragile...Handle with Prayer measures 4 1/2 inches wide by 3 1/4 inches high Handmade..
B4002- Trust in the Lord with all your heart Scripture Block
Hand Painted with cape cod blue around the edges and antique mauve dip dots. The block says"Trust in..
BP4010- The Lord is My Shepherd, I shall not want Psalm 23:1
BP4010- The Lord is My Shepherd, I shall not want Psalm 23:1, measures 7 inches wide by 2 inches hig..
Crafts Wood Scripture Sign 4012 A Friend Loves at all times
Hand Painted Scripture Sign that says"A Friend Loves at All Times" Painted Cape Cod Blue aroun..
Crafts Wood Scripture Sign 4015 - Jeremiah 29:11
Hand Painted Scripture Sign that says"For I know the Plans I have for you, declares the Lord. Plans ..
Jeremiah 29:11 wood block
For I know the plan I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plan..
Perhaps this is the moment which you have been created - Esther 4:14
Perhaps this is the moment which you have been created - Esther 4:14. This wood block features a Bib..
Wood Block B4011- As for me and my house we will serve the Lord Joshua 24:17
Hand Painted with cape cod blue around the edges and antique mauve dip dots. The block says "A..